Marketing & Sales

D&B Hoovers

Create a faster path from prospect to profitable relationship with D&B Hoovers. Try D&B Hoovers for Free

Find Key Sales Prospects and Opportunities for Growth

D&B Hoovers is a sales acceleration solution that provides a faster path from prospect to profitable relationship by leveraging data and analytics. B2B sales professionals can engage faster with customers to help grow their business.
Target More Strategically
Access comprehensive intelligence on more than hundreds of millions of business records
Elevated Engagement
Leverage advanced insights, AI, and audience visualizations to deliver personally-relevant customer communications
Accelerate Sales Productivity
Customize a personalized dashboard continually updated with real-time alerts, dynamic lead lists, and active buyer intent
Align Sales & Marketing
Solutions tailored for Sales and Marketing teams ensure function-specific outcomes and total team unity
Beat Out Your Competitors with Intent
Leverage Bombora’s industry leading intent provider and D&B Intent models to build a comprehensive signal illuminating all forms of buyer research
How D&B Hoovers Works

D&B Hoovers is built upon the D&B Data Cloud which is the largest continually updated database of company records covering a total of 230 million actively trading marketable business entities across the globe. D&B Hoovers integrates content from multiple sources into a single platform which saves valuable research time. The rich and diverse content assets and analytics help sales users’ build pipeline and close deals faster by engaging with customers and prospects with more insights and relevance.

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Bombora – Now Powering D&B Hoovers Intent

Bombora is recognized as the industry-leading intent data specialist, boasting the largest network for gathering intent data, and patented methodology to identify spikes in buying intent. Only D&B Hoovers offers three intent options, to provide the most flexibility around scale, precision, and purpose.

Bombora – D&B Pre-Defined – D&B Custom

When combined, these solutions strengthen one another to build a comprehensive signal illuminating all forms of buyer research.

Try D&B Hoovers For Free and See For Yourself
Why Choose D&B Hoovers?

D&B Hoovers users love how easy it is to get up and running and achieve fast ROI for their sales teams.

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