Country Insight Product Solutions

Products Country Insight Snapshot (CIS) Country Insight Reports (CIR)

Country Risk Module – Integrated Solutions


Snapshot view of a single country’s cross-border risk exposure focusing on the Political, Commercial and Macroeconomic environments. Guide to payment terms and delays.

In-depth analysis of a single country’s risks and opportunities in relation to the global and regional business environment. Current, short-term and long-term recommendations.

The Country Risk Module expands on the company level risk insight by placing it within the context of Global risk. Providing both “at-a-glance” dashboards & access to in-depth country insight reports.


Evaluating operational environments, monitoring fluctuations in exchange rates, assessing payment term changes – allowing expert knowledge & commercially relevant forecasts.

Strategic investment decisions, financial risk analysis, supply chain management – allowing effective risk mitigation & strategic decision making.

Assessing headline risk profiles across supplier/customer portfolios and analysis on an individual country/company detail perspective

At a glance risk indicators (D&B’s Country Risk Rating)

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Including rating history


Information on each country includes

Risk indicators, rating trends, core outlook, key development, economic indicators, trade & commercial environment, trade & transfer situation, risk & opportunities

*For more detailed analysis please see Country Insight Reports

Risk indicators, headline issues & key recommendations, risk & opportunities, detailed analysis of core elements, country perspective

Both Country Insight Snapshot (CIS) and Country Insight Reports (CIR) information is available (please see left)

Level of coverage

Country Level

Country, Regional & Global level

Country, Regional & Global level


Web, customer hosted

Web, customer hosted

Web, customer hosted, option of e-alerts & print (International Risk & Payment Review)

Subscription services

Available on D&B’s: Supplier Portfolio Manager (SPM), Supplier Risk Manager (SRM), Portfolio Manager (PM), MyD&, Country Risk platform, and D&B Credit.

Transactional services

Available on D&B’s: MyD&,, D&B Access, DBIA, and D&B Credit.


Optional Optional Optional

Commercial & ‘decision-ready’ recommendations

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Forward looking analysis

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Additional offerings

Optional integration to enterprise solutions, data only solutions (DaaS), consulting