Corporate Compliance

Global Reference Solutions

Obtain timely and accurate information about businesses and their corresponding corporate and ownership hierarchies

Create a complete view of your customer
GRS helps you to efficiently obtain timely and accurate information about businesses and their corresponding corporate and ownership hierarchies. You can create a complete view of your customers’ beneficial ownership and any other associations the Principals may have with other businesses
How It Works

You can quickly identify all the people and businesses associated with your customers and you can drill down to report on key data. Its global reach, ability to support multiple languages and the consistency in data across millions of companies makes it ideal to help you to know about the people who own and run the businesses you trade with.

GRS has over 40 search parameters. GRS allows you to, quickly and clearly identify the links between companies and their owners across the globe. You can understand the complete picture when it comes to assessing levels of risk within a corporate family.

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