Don’t Ass/U/Me When it Comes to Contact Data

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Let’s talk about assumptions. You may be familiar with the old saying about what happens when you ass/u/me. Even if you’re not, as a sales leader you can’t rely on assumptions to close deals.

These are weird times. The stock market is trending up, but unemployment is high. People with jobs are working in their bedrooms. A single stuck boat can grind the global supply chain to a halt. Let’s not even get into last year’s murder hornets.

And in the middle of all of this, you’re under pressure to not just hit your targets, but to crush them. You need cold, hard facts to get to the cold, hard cash.

You can’t afford to assume that some company has great contact data if they’re not even telling you who your contacts are at the company or whether they’re able to make buying decisions.

Get the kind of data that helps you reach the right prospects at the right time.

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